


Resource TypePosted On
Program of Deterministic Finite Automation (DFA) for identifier, real number wit...Aug 09
Identifer recognisition Integer Unsigned real number with optional integer partJan 13
Reading of real numbersApr 09
Formatted output of real numbersMar 31
TCP/IP program to build the Finite State Machine data structuresFeb 22
TCP/IP program of finite State Machine initializerFeb 22
TCP/IP program of putc and fputs with optional file scriptingFeb 22
Program that uses this DFA and validates whether an entered string is valid floa...Jan 11
Program to display DFASep 03
Program that will read real number from the keyboard and print the following out...May 07
Program to check whether the input string is a valid identifier or not.Mar 21
Program to check whether the input string is a valid identifier or not. (Note: s...Mar 23
Program that uses this DFA and validates whether an entered string is valid inte...Jan 10
Program that counts number of line, number of words and number characters in spe...Nov 18
Program to sort numbers in ascending order and use integer pointer to store...Oct 03
Program to find entered number is prime number or notSep 20
Program that reads a numbers , computes and displays the factorial of the given ...Aug 16
Program to convert Hexadecimal number to Binary number Jul 03
Program to Convert Decimal number to Hexadecimal numberSep 16
Program to Convert Decimal number to Octal numberMay 29
Program To Convert Decimal number to Binary numberDec 21
An applet program to add two number's where data is entered in TextFieldSep 09
Program to find minimum and maximum number from user specified 3 numbersMar 18
Program to print triangle of numbers and take number value from userApr 27
Even number ,Prime no. ,Factorial of a numberDec 06
Program to find greatest number from two numbers using if statementNov 08
ProLog Program to find maximum number from inputted numbersFeb 21
ProLog Program to convert decimal number to roman numberFeb 21
Program to count the number of +ve ( positive ) and _ve ( negative ) numbersJan 25
Program to find whether the given number is a palindrome number or notOct 09
Program that prints odd numbers, even numbers and the numbers that are divisible...Jun 13
Program that reads a number and prints even if the number is even and prints o...Oct 26
Program to initialize array by even numbers starting from 2 and display sum of a...Nov 19
Program to coumputes and displays the factorial of the given number ( using Re...Jul 27
Program that prints odd numbers form 0 to 50 (Using for Loop)Aug 28
Program that reads a number ,coumputes and displays its factorial ( using for ...Dec 08
Program to find first n prime numbersSep 21
Program to read decimal numbers from a file and convert into hexadecimalJan 26
Program to find out the sum of odd and even numbers between given rangeJan 06
Program to display number triangleOct 30
Program to display diamond triangle of numbersJan 04
Program to calculate anybody’s single digit lucky number Sep 15
Program to generate random numbersMar 05
Program to translate integer numbers given in words into numeric representationAug 17
Program of addition and subtraction of large numbersDec 09
Program to count number of characters in specified stringFeb 14
Program that displays floyd's triangle of numbersSep 23
Program to find least common multiple and greatest common factor of 2 numbersJul 04
Program that reads a number ,coumputes and displays its factorial using do while...May 09
Program that computes and displays the factorial of the given number using recur...Aug 31